Investment real estate

apartments for rent
Real estate management and investment company.
Residential complex “Be the One”.
Work scope
15 apartments.
Accomplishment year.
Services provided:
Interior complectation.

Client’s tasks and wishes:

To equip 15 empty apartments with a standard interior design and prepare them to the move-in state. To purchase household appliances, curtains/blinds, soft and modular furniture, etc “competently, beautifully and as soon as possible” ©. Apartments should look full and balanced.
We selected and purchased sofas, beds, all household appliances, blinds, and other decorations for 15 apartments. We developed a design, selected and purchased sofas, beds, all household appliances, blinds, and other decorations. We manufactured modular furniture for 7 apartments. Already during the furnishing stage, the owner began renting out the apartments, setting a price slighly higher than the market offers.

Project chronicles:

-ation: We need to think about where tenants will dry their clothes after washing. We also recommend purchasing a kettle and microwave oven, because you can’t have a  “move-in” state without these things.

Client: you have a point, thanks! We’ll take your recommendation into account and purchase dryers, kettles, microwaves…

Wait, you mean it’s actually possible to manufacture all the soft furniture within 3 weeks? You don’t say! We thought it was a typo in your contract.

We shipped out the last of the soft furniture on Wednesday. By Monday, the first 2 apartments were already rented out. Awesome.

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