Your expectations will meet reality because we guarantee predictable results.
No more searches among thousands of ads.
No more missed delivery dates.
No more unpleasant surprises: we will select the offers with the best price/quality or budget/terms ratio.
Calculate the cost and implementation period of your project
▪ Demolition works
▪ Partitions installation (gypsum board, all-glass, aluminum, sliding partitions etc.)
▪ Walls arrangement (brick gas concrete block etc.)
▪ Floor covering (raised floor, self-leveling floor, tiles, pvc, carpet, laminate etc.)
▪ Ceilings installation (suspended, stretch, rail systems, drywall, open etc.)
▪ Installation of door and window apertures
▪ Acoustic systems arrangement
▪ Painting and plaster works
▪ Finishing works
▪ Paperhanging
▪ Tiling
▪ Electrical and low-current works
▪ Installation of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems
▪ Installation of water supply and sewage systems
▪ Installation of access control systems, video surveillance and security alarms
▪ Installation of home automation and security alarm.
Don’t waste your time looking for the right furniture, don’t choose where to buy chairs, a sofa, lamps or cabinets, don’t settle for “almost similar” options. Order the service of complectation
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